Proposed Plans Would Would Reverse ACA Coverage Gains and Radically Overhaul Medicaid

from  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
House Republican leaders yesterday released a set of talking points they described as their substitute for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But the document reveals that House Republicans still plan to repeal the ACA without putting forward a comprehensive replacement.

They also plan to fast track a proposal to radically overhaul Medicaid, putting coverage for children, seniors, and people with disabilities at risk, in addition to ending the ACA’s Medicaid expansion for low-income adults.

The document makes clear that the starting point for any House Republican bill is the “repeal and delay” legislation that President Obama vetoed last year. By the end of a decade, that bill would result in 32 million people losing coverage and individual market premiums doubling, the Congressional Budget Office estimated.

The provisions that yesterday’s outline suggests House Republicans will add fall far short of repairing that damage; in the case of Medicaid, they would cause additional harm to millions of families across the country.
Read the Report


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