Senate leaders are working now to revive their effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act and decimate the funding structure of Medicaid. The CBO score of the Senate's "Better Care Reconciliation Act" (BCRA), revealed that 22 million individuals would lose health care coverage in large part due to the severe cuts to Medicaid, amounting to $772 billion.
The next few weeks are critical to defeat the Senate's attempt to repeal the ACA and destroy Medicaid. We have a "Top 4" list of things we need you to do. You can watch fireworks and enjoy a barbecue on July 4 but only if you also do these activities each day next week! Here goes:
Sample script: "Hi, my name is _____ (full name) from ____ (from city or town). I am calling to urge Senator/Representative _____ (name) to oppose the bill that would repeal the Affordable Care Act and cap or cut Medicaid funding. Thank you for your time."
Thanks to SEIU for providing call-in lines: 866-426-2631(English), 877-736-7831 (Spanish).
2. If your representative voted "yes" on the House version of the bill, call him/her too. If the Senate passes a bill, the House will have to vote again. Many representatives said they initially voted "yes" because they thought the Senate would make the bill better. But that bill has only gotten worse!
3. Attend state-based events this week while Congress members are home in their states/districts for the July 4recess - see Resistance Near Me. If your senators/representatives are not having a town hall or public event, see if they might be attending a July 4parade or fair -- bring your story, a sign, and let them know how you feel about their efforts to repeal the ACA and gut Medicaid.
4. Forward this email to your contacts and share it on social media. Use hashtags, such as #ProtectOurCare, #SaveMedicaid, #MedicaidMatters, #SaveACA, #KillTheBill, and #VoteNO. Also see this Twitter link for a listing of all senators' Twitter handles.
For longer messaging ideas, whether for emails or letters to the editor or op-eds, see our recent work on the Senate leadership's effort to roll back health care reforms:
See our blog's "Protect Our Care" series, which includes posts explaining all the ways the Senate bill would harm the health of our most vulnerable populations and hamper states' abilities to address health care needs of low-income individuals and families.
Sign up to receive our email updates. Share your Medicaid and ACA success stories with us by using this form. And follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Talking Points
NO to any bill that does not protect individuals with pre-existing conditions from being charged more or getting less services
NO to any bill that caps or cuts Medicaid
NO to any bill that ends or harms Medicaid expansion
NO to any bill that repeals the ACA
NO to any bill that cuts health care for women
NO to any bill that cuts health care for children
NO to any bill that cuts health care for people with disabilities
NO to any bill that increases health care costs for the elderly
NO to any bill that allows health insurance companies to drop essential health benefits
NO to any bill that decreases the number of individuals who have health coverage