2017 Wellness Guide Publication
Wellness Coordination is a service the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services BDDS began offering on the Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) Waiver in 2014. Based on analysis of the service implementation and feedback from providers on service delivery approaches, the 2017 Wellness Coordination Guide has been updated and is available on the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Announcements Web page. The guide reflects the following updates and changes - including, but not limited to:
- Clarification of the Wellness Tiers and activity expectations within each Tier to specify the minimum level of activities delivered under each Wellness Tier (pgs. 6-8);
- Clarifying information and examples of acceptable activities within each Wellness Tier to demonstrate appropriate models of service delivery for Wellness Coordination under each Tier (pgs. 6-8);
- Nurse responsibilities for delivery of Wellness service, and expectations for delivery of trainings (pg. 12);
- Additional clarification regarding definition of consultation activities to specify appropriate consultations (pg. 9);
- Clarification on billable Wellness activities during hospitalizations (pg. 8); and
- Attachment B: Required Components of Initial and Quarterly Wellness Assessments (pgs. 14-15).
The DDRS is a program of the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration. If you have questions about DDRS programs and services, visit us online at www.DDRS.In.gov.