from National FV:
The ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017
On February 15, the House approved the "ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017"
(H.R. 620) by a vote of 225-192. Although the bill is bipartisan, it is opposed by disability advocates because it would weaken the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The bill's supporters are concerned about frivolous lawsuits against businesses that allege non-compliance with the ADA's requirements regarding physical accessibility. If the bill were enacted, it would reduce incentives for businesses and other entities to comply with the ADA's requirements. See the Judiciary Committee's report on the bill, dissenting views (House Report 115-539 (pp. 17-27); and HR 620- Myths and Truths about the ADA Education and Reform Act (ACLU). At this time there is no companion bill in the Senate, and it will likely be difficult to get the 60 votes that would be needed in the Senate to advance the bill. See House Passes Bill Critics Say Would Undermine Disability Rights(Roll Call, 2/15/18).