Aged & Disabled waiting list implementation
The Division of Aging (DA) is tasked with administering the Aged & Disabled (AD) Waiver. Based on funding available for waiver services, each year there are a finite number of slots available for AD waiver participants. With the increase in the number of participants, the DA has observed that the number of available slots for Fiscal Year 2018 is nearing capacity and will soon begin implementation of a waiting list for AD waiver services.
The DA continually monitors slot availability with intent to maintain open waiver slots.Following the start of Fiscal Year 2019, the Division estimates slots will become available on or about July 2, 2018. At this time, the Division will transition participants from the waiting list.
Please note that once the waiting list is lifted, participant waiver status will be effective the day the participant is approved to receive services on the waiver. The Division is unable to make retroactive payments to providers for participants who are served while on the waiting list.
The Division of Aging apologizes for any hardship this places on providers, and will wait to implement the waiting list until absolutely necessary.
Please direct any questions and/or concerns to Darcy Tower, director of provider relations, via email at or (317) 234-2944.