EVV Delay Signed Into Law!
from Center for Public Representation:
Thanks to your efforts, a bill delaying Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for a year was signed by the President on July 30, 2018. The new law extends by a year the deadline for states to implement EVV and gives more opportunities for stakeholder input. Advocates like you have more time to work with Congress, the federal agency implementing EVV (CMS), and, most importantly, your state to address the significant concerns with EVV and its potential impacts on people with disabilities.
Thanks to your efforts, a bill delaying Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for a year was signed by the President on July 30, 2018. The new law extends by a year the deadline for states to implement EVV and gives more opportunities for stakeholder input. Advocates like you have more time to work with Congress, the federal agency implementing EVV (CMS), and, most importantly, your state to address the significant concerns with EVV and its potential impacts on people with disabilities.