Medicaid Resources

A new report from the Georgetown Center on Children and Families (CCF) - Medicaid and CHIP Provide Health Coverage for Many School-Age Children, Yet Gaps Remain - provides state-level data on Medicaid coverage for children ages 6 through 18. The related blog post links to the school-district-level data on the percent of children on Medicaid.
The Georgetown Center on Children and Families (CCF) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have updated their state snapshots on children's Medicaid and CHIP coverage.
In addition, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has developed state-specific EPSDT reports provide detailed information about each state Medicaid program's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefits and how they compare to the AAP/ Bright Futures 4th edition guidelines and recommendations. The reports also outline the state's quality performance information on pediatric preventive care measures and best practices. These profiles can be used to: compare visit/screening recommendations, review your state's definition of medical necessity, examine your state's use of quality measures and performance, evaluate your state's promising practices, and consider next steps. See Using Your State EPSDT Profile.
In addition, for each state, the AAP provides:
  • State Medicaid and CHIP Snapshots, 2018: Underscores importance of Medicaid in providing coverage for children help them grow up healthy and thrive (in partnership with Georgetown University Policy Institute Center for Children and Families)
  • Children's Coverage Snapshot Fact Sheets: Uses data on the ACA, Medicaid and CHIP to highlight how all three programs have worked together to ensure children's access to health coverage (in partnership with Georgetown University Policy Institute Center for Children and Families)
  • CHIP Fact Sheets: Outlines how each state's CHIP program works for children (in partnership with the Georgetown University Policy Institute Center for Children and Families )
  • Medicaid Fact Sheets: Explains the importance of Medicaid for children in each state (in partnership with the Children's Hospital Association)
  • EPSDT State Profiles: Provides detailed information each state Medicaid program's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit and how this compares to AAP/Bright Futures guidelines and recommendations (supported by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), Health Resources and Services Administration). 
Advocates' Guide to Accessibility in Medicaid Managed Care Grievances and Appeals
The Disability Rights Education and Defense FundJustice in Aging and National Health Law Program have developed the Advocates' Guide to Accessibility in Medicaid Managed Care Grievances and Appeals.The guide describes steps to implement new HHS regulations on grievances and appeals in a manner that ensures equal access to these processes for people with disabilities.
