Dyslexia Intervention Guidance

from Indiana DOE:

Dyslexia Intervention Guidance

Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 217 does not endorse a single product or approach for dyslexia intervention. While there is not a specific intervention program schools must use, SEA 217 does have recommended instructional approaches. 

IDOE has created two documents to aid schools in selecting an intervention program. The “Dyslexia Intervention Program Check” can be used to investigate the fidelity of a dyslexia intervention program. 

The second document lists the recommended instructional approaches from SEA 217 and provides example approaches that satisfy the recommended approaches from the law. 

This is not an exhaustive list. IDOE does not  endorse any of these products, but they are offered as examples. These documents can be found on IDOE's dyslexia page.
