from CKF:
Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) clarified Medicaid eligibility guidelines for former foster care youth (youth who turn 18 while in foster care) in a recent IHCP bulletin. These youth are automatically eligible for Medicaid under one of two eligibility categories up to a certain age:
Out-of-state former foster care youth: Youth who were in foster care in another state on their 18th birthday can have their Medicaid eligibility extended to their 21st birthday. They must meet income limits and are required to go through annual eligibility redeterminations.
Indiana former foster care youth: Youth who were in Indiana’s foster care system on their 18th birthday can have their Medicaid eligibility extended to their 26th birthday. They do not need to meet income limits and are not required to go through annual eligibility redeterminations.
Both categories are eligible for full Medicaid benefits and are auto-assigned to receive services under the fee-for-service delivery system. If they choose, they can opt instead to enroll with a health plan in the Hoosier Care Connect managed care program. Also, they are not required to participate in the Gateway to Work program. Once they age out (21 or 26) they will be automatically reevaluated for eligibility under other Medicaid categories and a new application is not necessary.