Voc Rehab Survey

Every three years, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies are required to develop a Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment.
As part of the assessment, VR is requesting your feedback on the need for services, or gaps in services for job seekers with disabilities. VR wants to provide the best services possible and needs your ideas. Your answers to the survey questions are very important. They will help VR improve services for individuals with disabilities. The survey will end on January 25, 2019.
To complete the survey, click on the link 2019 Vocational Rehabilitation Survey. You can also cut and paste the following url into your browser: https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e4pAodrLsEWNoYR
You may complete the full survey or only the questions you choose. The survey is anonymous and no identifying information is collected. Individuals who need help in completing the survey may call the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services at 1-800-545-7763 (toll free) or 317-234-2907 for assistance.
