New federal guidance requires the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) to update many of the state's home and community-based services (HCBS) provider payment rate methodologies. Beginning this year, the FSSA will conduct HCBS rate methodology projects that are expected to culminate in the submission of Medicaid waiver amendments and possible Medicaid State Plan amendments to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for approval.
Each rate methodology project will involve the following phases:
1. Project and stakeholder engagement planning2. Rate methodology development to achieve FSSA goals and objectives3. Rate setting and calculations based on final selected rate methodologies4. Waiver/State Plan amendments and CMS approval process
Balanced input from the full range of stakeholders is critical to this process. On Monday, March 18, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, the FSSA will host a webinar to provide an overview of these upcoming projects and give information about how you can stay informed and be involved. We encourage you to forward this invitation to others within your organizations that you feel may wish to attend.
Here's how to participate:
1. Go to to sign in to the webinar.2. Ensure that Guest is selected, type your name, and click Enter Room.3. The webinar will provide audio over the internet, so participants can use their computer speakers or headphones to listen to the presentation. As an alternative to listening through the computer, you may call by telephone at 1-877-621-0220, pass code 230375.
Please note:
- Prior to the webinar, if you would like to test your internet connection to the webinar, please go to This test will allow you to see if your computer needs any updates or add-ins to join.
- If possible, please do not log in to the webinar using Citrix or a virtual private network (VPN), as these services will not be able to play back audio.
- If multiple individuals from your organization will be joining, we request you join from the same location if possible, in order to save webinar slots for others.
For those who cannot attend on March 18, a recording of the webinar will be posted on the IHCP Live web page at