2020 Indiana Autism Spectrum Disorder Needs Assessment

"Hands in Autism needs your input! Share your voice and helps us ensure the #NeedsAssessment reflects your story – your challenges, barriers, successes and victories!
Information collected from the #AutismNeedsAssessment informs next steps in efforts to improve the #QualityofLife and #access to resources for families, caregivers, and individuals with #AutismSpectrumDisorder (#ASD). Take time to complete the survey yourself. Share the survey with your family, providers, and community. The survey is available in English and Spanish with more information and the survey available at https://handsinautism.iupui.edu/research/.
Interested in learning more and seeing prior annual reports, accessible through Indiana Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services, https://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/3355.htm #HANDSinAutism #ASDawareness #IIACC"
