From DDRS Updates
Beginning Monday, June 1, 2020, the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services and the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services will provide stakeholders with a final opportunity to offer comment and feedback on the initial concept paper. As part of this opportunity, we will:
- Host two virtual stakeholder forums, details below, to briefly review highlights from the initial concept paper and provide time for share ideas, provide recommendations and ask questions.
- June 9, 2020, from 6 to 8 p.m. EDT via WebEx and may be accessed by clicking here.
- June 19, 2020, from 10 a.m. to noon EDT via WebEx and may be accessed by clicking here.
- Focus our June 12, 2020, Facebook Live on the concept paper, focusing on key concepts and answering your questions.
- Continue to collect feedback via the electronic survey or by emailing DDRSwaivernoticecomment@fssa.
While BDDS is interested in gathering general feedback on the initial concept paper, we are particularly interested in hearing about what you’ve learned or discovered through COVID-19 that should be considered. For instance, were you able to use telemedicine to access your waiver supports? If so, what did you learn from that experience and how do you think that should be incorporated into waiver redesign.
Comment on the initial concept paper will be open through Friday, June 19, 2020. Once closed, BDDS will work with Human Services Research Institute to synthesize all the stakeholder feedback received since January into a final recommendation for proceeding.
We appreciate your understanding and partnership as we’ve adapted our waiver redesign activities and timelines. We look forward to working together on the important work of supporting individuals and families in living their vision of a good life.