The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services believe that a true person-centered system measures a service or program by its ability to achieve quality, person-centered outcomes for the individuals being supported. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities should be provided with the opportunity to take risks and learn from a full range of life experiences, both the successes and the disappointments. We are committed to ensuring that they are able to do so.
With that in mind, the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services is offering a web-based learning opportunity about Finding the Balance: A Shift to Person-Centered Practices at no cost to participants. Providers, direct support professionals, families and self-advocates are welcome to attend.
Webinar participants will better understand:
- Balancing what’s important to a person and their choices, while considering health and safety concerns (important for) to support an individual’s vision for a good life;
- The national and state shift from a medical model delivery system to a person-centered one;
- How to support self-determination, informed decision making, and dignity of risk for individuals who utilize HCBS waiver supports. We hope you’ll join us on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, at 2 p.m. EDT. Please register here:
meeting/register/ tZAqcuiqpj4sHtytQuIquKB76fTPqg CHK9zw The live offering of the webinar will include a question/answer section. This webinar will also be recorded and available online at a later date. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact BQIS at