Parents, teachers, caregivers, and anyone trying to juggle the day-to-day stresses of life won't want to miss this! Family Voices Indiana's Mindfulness Through the Holidays event will start with a simple holiday recipe with a short cooking demonstration. Then, presenter Stephan Viehweg, LCSW, will guide you through a mindfulness activity to focus and relax you this holiday season. Finally, a mom will share how FVI has helped her and her family. Attendance is FREE with the opportunity to give a gift or help share the mission of FVI! A ticket is required (register here). We're proud to be able to partner with Indiana Hands & Voices to provide ASL interpretation for this event!
Thank you to presenting sponsor United Healthcare, platinum sponsor Behavior Analysis Center for Autism, and silver sponsors IPMG, Old National Bank, Franciscan Health, Anthem and the Indiana Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services.
Minfulness Flyer 11232020 by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd