We are recruiting families for our telehealth sponsorship project! Our project aims to help families access telehealth, or virtual medical and therapy appointments. Eligible families will be sponsored for 6 months of Comcast's Internet Essentials program. Families will also participate in an online training with Family Voices IN to learn how to make the most of virtual appointments.
Eligible families will:
-have a child with a special health care need and related medical/therapy appointments;
-be income-eligible (the guidelines are at https://www. internetessentials.com/get- help...); and
-live in a Comcast service area, which we can check.
If you think you might be a good match, please contact us directly at 844-323-4636 or info@fvindiana.org to get started and talk about next steps. We have a native Spanish speaker on staff. FVI Home Internet Outreach by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd
ESPANOL FVI Home Internet Outreach by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd