2021 Indiana General Assembly Commences

From Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Newsletter 1.7.21 

On January 4th, the Indiana House and Senate convened for the commencement of the 2021 Indiana General Assembly (IGA). This year's IGA will have the difficult task of conducting the business of a budget year, which is typically longer and more complex than other years, while attempting to limit COVID risk factors.

Changes will include the House meeting at the nearby Indiana Government Center instead of the statehouse, to allow for better social distancing. Those wishing to testify at committee meetings will do so virtually, but only from designated rooms at the statehouse. Additionally, while there is no mandate for legislators to wear masks, party leadership is strongly encouraging that they be worn.

Bills have begun to be filed, with some committees already having meetings this week for issues deemed to be a high priority, such as funding for virtual education. Other early bills of interest include one seeking telehealth expansion, another expanding Medicaid reimbursement for schools, a bill permitting association health plans and legislation that would allow postpartum Medicaid coverage one year (currently only 60 days is covered). Many more bills are still expected to be filed over the next week, involving a wide range of issues impacting insurance, health, human services and schools.
