School-Based Medicaid Reimbursement Bill Advances

 From Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Newsletter 2.18.21

Senate Bill 51: Medicaid Reimbursement for Schools passed unanimously out of the Indiana Senate this week and is on its way for consideration by the Indiana House of Representatives.

If passed into law, the bill will allow schools seek federal reimbursement for Medicaid eligible services already provided by schools under federal and state mandates. Estimates suggest this could mean tens of millions of dollars returned to Indiana schools, which could be used in a variety of ways such as funding special projects, expanding academic programming or reinvesting into student health and support services.

While Indiana currently allows for reimbursement of services under Individualized Education Programs, the bill would add reimbursement for services under Section 504 plans, behavioral intervention plans or individualized healthcare plans. Also reimbursable would be Medicaid eligible nursing services provided by a licensed nurse.

The bill will next be assigned to a House committee, where its House Sponsors Representatives Mike Karickhoff and Ann Vermillion will make the case for continuing its journey into becoming law.
