HOLD THE DATE! Transition & Pre-Employment Training Services (Pre-ETS) Webinar

 From Work to Include Newsletter

March 25, 2021, 1:00-2:00 pm

The Indianapolis Work to Include Coalition Team is hosting a webinar on Transition with a focus on Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) on Thursday, March 25th, from 1:00-2:00 pm.

Featured speakers: 
Michelle Oja (Indiana Department of Education), Jonathan Kraeszig (Vocational Rehabilitation), and Luke Labas (Mayor’s Office of Disability Affairs).

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is required by law to set aside federal funds for Pre-ETS to students with disabilities who are eligible (or potentially eligible) for VR services to prepare students for a smooth transition from high school to employment or post-secondary education and training. Five core services of Pre-ETS are: 1) Job exploration counseling; 2) Work-based learning experiences; 3) Counseling on postsecondary opportunities; 4) Workplace readiness training; and 5) Instruction in self-advocacy.  Watch for the Zoom link for the webinar, which will be sent to Work to Include Coalition members next week.
