Parent survey for individuals who use AAC

Still Seeking Participants

Dear Parents,
We are writing to invite all parents and guardians to participate in a survey related to your experiences caring for an individual who uses augmentative or alternative ways of communicating (AAC). Our goal is to better understand how your experiences can influence their use of AAC.
This survey should take 15 minutes and all of those who complete the survey will be entered to a drawing to win $100 cash.
At the end of the survey, we will ask if you would like to participate in a follow-up interview. We will pay all of those who interview $10 for your time.
Questions about this survey? Feel free to contact Dr. Natalie Andzik at or Dr. Allison Gladfelter

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

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Thank you,
Dr. Natalie Andzik, Department of Special and Early Education
Dr. Allison Gladfelter CCC-SLP, School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders
Northern Illinois University
