The Center for Health Equity at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community at Indiana... is looking for families interested in doing an interview on the pandemic's impact on people with disabilities. The interviews would be edited to shorter clips that would be become part of the Indiana Disability History Project: . The videos are hosted on the projects YouTube Channel. Clips are sometimes shared on the project’s Facebook page. This spring they will be working on two longer (8-10 minutes) topic focused videos: 1) impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities in Indiana and 2) experience of Hoosiers with disabilities who are members of racial/ethnic minorities. We will be using excerpts from interviews conducted over the past 2 years to create the videos. It’s also possible someone may use the clip for teaching. Depending on what is talked about, a clip might be produced for the vaccine project.
The interviews will be conducted via Zoom, and take about 30 minutes to one hour. Individuals will receive $30 for their participation.