From IYI
Tutoring services are something we’ve covered before as a strategy to address student’s learning loss from the pandemic. The state has announced a new program that will provide funding to eligible families for tutoring services for their students. This funding comes from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) dollars the state received as aid to schools for addressing pandemic related issues. In Chalkbeat, it was mentioned that these “enrichment scholarships” would be $500 and administered directly to families, leaving the administrative burden off school districts. Full details on how families will receive the funds are still being decided, but a determining factor is students' scores on statewide tests.
Access and awareness to quality tutors and programs are still needed across Indiana. It was noted that individual tutoring services can range anywhere from $30 to $75 per session. Rep. Bob Behning expressed that the state will ask for help in getting the word out to families, as well as tutoring organizations that would now be financially in reach. Community-based programs and schools will be very instrumental in making sure the right students get these effective services to improve their literacy and math outcomes. To learn more, check out the Chalkbeat article linked here.