"The Bureau of Developmental Disability Services is committed to supporting our provider network in working toward a true person-centered system which includes ensuring providers are supporting individuals to be as independent as possible.
As part of that commitment, BDDS hosted a training clarifying support versus supervision in home-and community-based services.
Participants learned:
- The difference between support versus supervision
- Remedying over support
- Providing active support
- Person-centered planning
A recording of the training is now available here and the PowerPoint is available here. As a reminder, the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services has a playlist of videos that might be of interest to providers, individuals, families and other stakeholders that can be found here.
If you would like additional resources or have any questions that were not addressed in the Q&A session, please feel free to reach out to BQIS Help: 800-545-7763 or BQIS.Help@fssa.IN.gov."