Integration of Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services and Bureau of Quality Improvement Services

The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services have worked closely and collaboratively for years to support individuals and families, BDDS providers and other stakeholders and ensure a person-centered approach to services and supports. BDDS and BQIS are part of the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services and the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration.

House Bill 1222, which passed in March of this year, calls for the official integration of BQIS into BDDS effective July 1, 2022. This legislation formalizes how BDDS and BQIS currently operate and allows BDDS to continue efforts to implement processes and practices that further support our mission of connecting people with disabilities and their families to resources and supports to live their best lives Staffing will remain at current levels, and all functions of BQIS such as provider services, incident reporting, quality monitoring, and complaint processes will continue to be fulfilled by BDDS. There should be no operational interruption as a result of this change and a BDDS-BQIS integration organizational chart is available here.

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