I invite you to take advantage of an important opportunity supported by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) to help the IN Alliance on Prenatal Substance Exposure learn more about the effects of FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) in Indiana.
We want to hear your voice!!
We are committed to learning more about the effects of FASD and will use your input to make things better.
But to tell this story in the best and most complete way, we need to hear from you. From people who have FASD and from their family members and caregivers. I ask you to take part in this survey, not only as the Executive Director of the Indiana Alliance, but as the parent of five youth with FASD who have struggled to access the appropriate supports and services they need. Let’s work together to make a difference in Indiana.
Please share this link with everyone you know and take a few moments to compete the survey yourself by Wednesday, September 7, 2022. Or use this handy QR code.
The information collected will be used to make recommendations and create an action plan for the State of Indiana. If you have any questions about the survey or its use, please contact me at selsworth@mhai.net. For more information about FASD see. https://inalliancepse.org.
Thank you!
Susan Elsworth, Executive Director Indiana Alliance on Prenatal Substance Exposure"