In 2018-19, the US Dept. of Education reported 18,252 Indiana public school students experienced homelessness. IHCDA is collaborating with the Indiana Department of Education and the Indiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoS CoC) to support and intervene on behalf of these vulnerable youth. According to the IHCDA 2022 Point in Time count, an annual day of identifying those who are experiencing homelessness, more than 900 are youth/young adults under the age of 24.
The Youth Homeless Regional Program will have nine Community Support Systems Navigators to work with the public school systems, BoS CoC agencies and other community partners to identify youth who are living with the trauma of housing insecurity. The system navigators will identify wrap around resources and the barriers to access in their region for youth and young adults who are experiencing or at risk of living in homelessness.