"The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services is pleased to announce it has engaged Milliman to review BDDS’ home-and community-based services rates and to develop a rate methodology and supporting rates. The project is expected to culminate in the submission of waiver amendments.
BDDS and Milliman’s rate methodology process includes the following:
- Project and stakeholder engagement planning
- Rate methodology development to achieve BDDS goals and objectives
- Rate setting and calculations based on final selected rate methodologies
- Waiver/state plan amendments and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approval process
Balanced input from the full range of stakeholders is critical to this process. BDDS wants to hear from a variety of stakeholders, including providers and associations, participants, families, caregivers and advocacy groups, and other key stakeholders.
Stakeholder engagement may include:
- In-person and virtual meetings
- Webinars
- Surveys
- Bulletins and FAQs
- Rate methodology website and dedicated email address
BDDS has planned a virtual kick-off meeting for the rate methodology process on Oct. 3, 2022, at 11 a.m. EST. The kickoff meeting will introduce general information about rate setting, an overview of this project, including the timeline and approach for HCBS rate methodology for BDDS.
To access the meeting, please click here.
We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to your attendance."