Applications are being accepted for Indiana's Energy Assistance Program (EAP) and Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).
These programs help households pay their electricity, heating, water and wastewater bills and avoid shutoffs. Households who apply and qualify for EAP will also be protected by the Winter Disconnection Moratorium, meaning electric and natural gas utilities in Indiana may not disconnect eligible customers between December 1 and March 15.
Households that make 60% of the state median income (60 SMI) or less are encouraged to apply for EAP/LIHWAP before May 16, 2022. A detailed chart of income eligibility requirements as well as a list of local service providers and a link to the online application can be found on the IHCDA website.
If a household does not have internet access, they can call 2-1-1 and ask to be connected to the EAP local service provider in their area.