Indiana Disability Rights (IDR) encourages voters who are blind or have a print disability to use a new accessible, absentee ballot marking tool in the primary election. Eligible voters can use the tool to mark their ballot, complete and sign other necessary documentation and email completed materials to county election officials. Eligible voters an practice using the new tool through an online demonstration ballot.
If you are a voter who is blind or have a print disability and you wish to vote using this option, you must apply for an absentee ballot no later than Thursday, April 20, 2023. The absentee application can be accessed by logging into the Indiana Voter Portal and selecting "Voter With Print Disabilities." Alternatively, eligible voters can complete and submit a PDF version of the absentee application. Once a completed application is received, the relevant county clerk's office will send a link to complete and return the absentee by 6pm local time on Election Day, May 2, 2023.