FSSA is hosting a series of informational webinars for individuals who are recipients of the Aged and Disabled Waiver and their families, in an effort to help them in their waiver transition planning.
These webinars are intended to provide up-to-date information and guidance to individuals and families regarding how the Aged & Disabled Waiver will become the Health & Wellness waiver for individuals who are 59 years and younger. Due to recent announcements, waiver transition activities, and proposed waiver amendments effective July 1, we understand that families have a lot of questions right now.
Please note these webinars will not include information for current Aged and Disabled Waiver recipients who are 60 and older as they will shift to the PathWays for Aging waiver.
These sessions may be helpful to families who are affected by the alignment of attendant care and the requirements effective July 2024 as well as all others looking for guidance and information regarding the waiver transition planned for July 1, 2024.
These webinars will be recorded and made available to those who cannot attend. Each webinar will be conducted from 3-3:30 p.m. ET. Opportunities to participate as well as links to join are:
For specific information and questions regarding the transition, please visit https://www.in.gov/fssa/medicaid-strategies/.