A&D and TBI WaiverUpdate |
A communication to Hoosiers who receive services on the Aged & Disabled or the Traumatic Brain Injury waivers
Week of May 6, 2024
Welcome to the update
ChecklistWhat to watch for
| Contact InformationArea Agencies on AgingFind your AAA: Call 800-713-9023 or visit Division of AgingCall 888-673-0002 or email Bureau of Disabilities ServicesCall 800-545-7763 or email Apply for Medicaid |
Upcoming member webinar
![]() Waiver transitionAn upcoming webinar will provide up-to-date information for individuals and families regarding how the Aged and Disabled Waiver will become the Health and Wellness Waiver for individuals who are 59 years and younger. Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Time: 3-3:30 p.m. EDT Participate live or watch the webinar at your convenience by visiting FSSA: Medicaid Strategies ( Look under “Additional resources." Visit YouTube @FSSAIndianavideos to watch the May 1 webinar. Additional webinars have been scheduled. Learn more here. |
![]() Your questions answeredFrequently Asked QuestionsQuestion: Should I still apply for Medicaid if I have been placed on the Aged and Disabled Waiver waiting list?Answer: Yes, you need to apply for Medicaid while you are on the waiting list. Question: If I choose to transition to Structured Family Caregiving, can I access skilled care, such as skilled respite?Answer: Yes, skilled care can be accessed while an individual is receiving Structured Family Caregiving. Additional FAQs are available on the FSSA Medicaid Strategies web page. Send your questions to |
Waiver transition
![]() A&D Waiver will split on July 1On July 1, the Aged and Disabled Waiver will split into two waivers. Members 59 and under
Members over 60
TBI Waiver to transition on July 1
On July 1, the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver will transition to the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services.