A&D and TBI Waiver Update


A&D and TBI Waiver


A communication to Hoosiers who receive services on the Aged & Disabled or the Traumatic Brain Injury waivers
Week of May 20, 2024

Welcome to the update


For members and families

The Family and Social Services Administration will provide this regular update to members and their families during this period of transition.


What to watch for


If you are transitioning to Structured Family Caregiving, you should be working with your care manager to select a provider and understand your tier or level, according to your needs. More information about what to expect and differences in the process between adults and children is available here.


If you are searching for a Structured Family Caregiving provider, make sure you check out both available lists. The Statewide Provider list includes providers that are offering services in all Indiana counties; the Provider by County list is a county-by-county listing of providers offering services in select counties only.

Arrow pointing right

Service plans should be updated by June 15 by the care manager to reflect your family’s decision to continue with attendant care provided by another paid caregiver who is not a legally responsible individual or move to Structured Family Caregiving on July 1.

Contact Information

Area Agencies on Aging

Find your AAA: Call 800-713-9023 or visit www.in.gov/fssa/inconnectalliance/

Division of Aging

Call 888-673-0002 or email FSSA.Daresponseteam@fssa.IN.gov

Bureau of Disabilities Services

Call 800-545-7763 or email BDS.Help@fssa.in.gov

Apply for Medicaid

Visit www.in.gov/medicaid/members
