From IHCDA Jake's Desk E-Newsletter
The Indiana Housing First program provides rental assistance and supportive services for up to two years to households who are experiencing homelessness or exiting residential treatment programs. To qualify, a household must have one member who has a serious mental illness and/or a substance use disorder. Wraparound supportive services are provided to participants, including treatment for addiction or mental illness, counseling, transportation, and case management. By the end of the program, participants will be paying their full rent on their own, and will have gained networks and support systems within their community to maintain stability.
Eligible organizations are awarded funding from IHCDA based on responses to an annual Request for Qualifications. The current application cycle will be coming to a close next Monday, August 5th. Award terms will begin in September for selected organizations.
Click HERE to find the local service provider currently administering the Indiana Housing First program.