A&D and TBI Waiver Update


A&D and TBI Waiver


A communication to Hoosiers who received services on the former Aged and Disabled or the Traumatic Brain Injury waivers
Week of Sept. 29, 2024

Welcome to the update


For members and families

The Family and Social Services Administration was happy to provide this update to members and their families during the period of transition. This newsletter will end with this week’s issue, but we look forward to staying in touch with you in other formats.


What to watch for


This month, 925 individuals will be invited to continue the process to access waiver services. This includes 800 individuals on the PathWays for Aging Waiver waiting list and 125 individuals on the Health and Wellness Waiver waiting list. Resources about the process are available on the FSSA Medicaid Strategies web page. Information about the waiting list can be found on the HCBS Waiver Waiting List Information page.


If you are a member of PathWays for Aging and need help learning who your service coordinator is, you can contact your health plan. If you do not know who your health plan is, you can contact the PathWays information line at 87-PATHWAY-4 (877-284-9294). Please see this resource guide for members.

Contact Information

Area Agencies on Aging

Find your AAA: Call 800-713-9023 or visit www.in.gov/fssa/inconnectalliance/

Division of Aging

Call 888-673-0002 or email FSSA.Daresponseteam@fssa.IN.gov

Bureau of Disabilities Services

Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services
Call 800-545-7763 or email BDS.Help@fssa.in.gov

Apply for Medicaid

Visit www.in.gov/medicaid/members

Member webinars

FSSA webinar

Did you miss it?

Family Webinars hosted over the past few months are available on the FSSA Medicaid Strategies webpage. They cover a range of topics, including how to stay connected, offering choice, using integrated supports and more.

Future opportunities

Join the Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning for a PathWays for Aging program update on Thursday, September 12 at 9 a.m. ET.
You can view the webinar on the FSSA YouTube page at the time of the event.

The Bureau of Disabilities Services will host family engagement opportunities through its Building Bridges program. Building Bridges events are solely for individuals with disabilities and their families to meet with the BDS staff and ask questions, share feedback, or raise concerns or successes about bureau services. Upcoming sessions can be found on the DDRS Announcement page.


Your questions answered

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Whom do I contact to apply for the Health and Wellness Waiver? Whom do I contact to apply for the PathWays for Aging Waiver?

Answer: AAAs remain the front door for the Health and Wellness, Traumatic Brain Injury and PathWays Waivers. To apply for the Health and Wellness, Traumatic Brain Injury and PathWays for Aging waivers, individuals and families should contact their local Area Agency on Aging or INconnect Alliance. The AAAs can also assist individuals with identifying and connecting with other resources in their communities.

Question: What is my spot on the waiting list? When will I be invited from the waiting list?  

Answer: Individuals on the PathWays Waiver and Health and Wellness Waiver waiting lists do not have a static place in line. The waiting list is fluid, as individuals are added daily with various level of care criteria that impact how you are invited. Individuals are invited as follows:

  1. First, the following eligible individuals are given priority waiting list status by date of application:
    • You are an individual transitioning off 100% state-funded budgets to the waiver;
    • You are an individual transitioning from a nursing facility to the waiver; or
    • You are an individual discharging from an in-patient hospital setting.
  2. Second, all other eligible individuals are on a first-come, first-served basis by your date of application (i.e., the original date that level of care for the waiver was established).

If you have questions about your place on the waiting list, you can reach out to your local Area Agency on Aging to confirm your date of application. They can also assist if you believe that you meet one of the priority statuses. If, after reaching out to your AAA, you still have questions, you can reach out to FSSA at medicaid@fssa.in.gov

Question: How do I know when I’ve been invited off the waiting list?

Answer: You will receive a letter in the mail from FSSA. Your AAA options counselor will reach out to you to continue the process to determine if you remain eligible to access waiver services.

Question: What can I do while I am waiting on the waitlist?

Answer: Individuals may be eligible for other programs and services for support. Your local Area Agency on Aging has staff available to talk through the range of program options. You may also contact Indiana 211 for information on additional resources in your community. For additional assistance, please review the waiver waitlist checklists, available on the FSSA Medicaid Strategies webpage.

Additional FAQs are available on the FSSA Medicaid Strategies webpage.

Send your questions to Medicaid@fssa.in.gov.

Waiver transition


A&D Waiver split on July 1

On July 1, the Aged and Disabled Waiver split into two waivers. These waivers have been approved by CMS. You can read more here.

Members 59 and under

  • This waiver was renamed the Health and Wellness Waiver and transitioned to the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services. Communications you receive will reference the Health and Wellness Waiver.
  • You should continue to work with your care manager for any waiver-related needs.

Members over 60

  • The Indiana PathWays for Aging program began July 1.
  • MCEs are the first point of contact for the members and their service coordination needs. Members are encouraged to reach out to their MCE’s with:
    • Provider questions
    • If you need adjustments to your services
    • To add/change providers

Contact information for each MCE can be found on the PathWays Resources & Contacts webpage.

  • Managed care entities will provide continuity of care for the authorization of services and choice of providers for 90 days after PathWays go live or Sept. 28. Service coordinators will work with members to reassess needs and will continue to authorize waiver services in the interim so that there is no disruption of services.
  • Members may call 87-PathWay-4 (877-284-9294) to change their plan.

TBI Waiver transitioned on July 1

On July 1, the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver transitioned to the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services.
