"The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) is excited to announce the launch of a survey to collect feedback on a universal symbol for language assistance services in health settings. We invite you to share your thoughts and insights by taking the survey, and we encourage you to share this announcement with your networks.
You can access the survey here: Universal Symbol for Language Assistance Services in Health Settings Survey
OMH is currently researching and developing new ways to communicate the availability of language assistance services to individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) in health care settings by developing multiple graphic symbols to inform individuals with LEP of these services. We have released a survey to collect input from the public on the usability and effectiveness of these symbols.
The survey is open until September 22, 2024, and it is available in nine languages. OMH welcomes all input from the public, especially individuals whose primary/preferred language is not English. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Survey responses will provide us with invaluable insights that will guide the continued development of a universal symbol informing individuals with LEP about the availability of services in their preferred language."