WTI Webinar: Indiana Benefit Counseling Systems


Indiana Benefit Counseling SystemMarch 31 2022Offered Twice at Noon and 6 pm Eastern

Indiana’s’ Work to Include Coalition is hosting a webinar on March 31. This webinar is designed to inform and educate stakeholders for Employment First, transition professionals, self-advocates and families on the supports and resources available for understanding the impact of going to work on safety nets such as Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid. The resources in Indiana to help understand and plan for that will be discussed.  A family and individual perspective will be provided.The session will be held at noon on the 31st and then repeat at 6 pm eastern time.  Feel free to register for one or both sessions (NEVER HURTS TO HEAR THIS INFORMATION TWICE).Featured Presenters Tina Skeel, Director with Indiana WorksSarah Level, BIN Project Coordinator with the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Center on Community Living and CareersJared Price, Youth Counselor with the Will CenterAl Hublar, Parent

Register in Advance

Noon Eastern Zoom Registration
6 pm Eastern Zoom Registration
with funding from the

Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities
