
Showing posts from August, 2022

Using to Search for Housing

ADHD: When to Seek Help

Homeless Youth Regional Program

IHCP to cover Novavax COVID-19 vaccine and administration

Indiana 211 OpenBeds Update

Transition Stakeholder Groups for Students with IEPs and Parents

Social Security accelerates decision-making process for those with severe disabilities

Food Allergies

Indiana Homeowner Assistance Fund

Decision making and guardianship recording and materials available

HUD Announces New Funding to Support Community Living for People with Disabilities

Why we feel ‘mom guilt’ — and how to stop

FASD Needs Assessment – Individuals and Families

Transgender Protections Under ADA

Biden Administration's Long-COVID Reports and Updates to

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Benefits Explained

New Federal Nondiscrimination in Telehealth Guidance

Indiana Task Force for Assessment of Services and Supports for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities meeting is set for Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022

IHCP expands practitioners allowed to order speech pathology services

Inflation Relief

Six Flags Accessibility Program

IHCP to cover COVID-19 vaccine for children as young as age 6 months


Healthy Relationships training in Indianapolis re-scheduled for 8/23-24